Best and Coolest 18 Superior Hobbies


Superior Hobby JX PS-4806HB 6KG Plastic Gear Analog Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PS-4806HB 6KG Plastic Gear Analog Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PS-4806HB 6KG Plastic Gear Analog Standard Servo - 6×30. 5×11. 51oz£ connector wire length jr 180 mm (7. 5g (0. 6kg-cm (36. 20in weight 14. Cm (32. 8v) 0. 4oz/in) dimensions 29. 3kg. 46×1. Operating speed (4. 10 sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 2mm/1. 08in). 2oz/in) stall torque (6v) 2. 17×0. 12sec/60¡ã operating speed (6v) 0. 8v) 2.


Superior Hobby JX BLS-HV7006MG 6KG High Precision Metal Gear Full CNC Aluminium Shell Structure High Voltage Brushless Digital Gyro Narrow Band Servo

Superior Hobby JX BLS-HV7006MG 6KG High Precision Metal Gear Full CNC Aluminium Shell Structure High Voltage Brushless Digital Gyro Narrow Band Servo

Superior Hobby JX BLS-HV7006MG 6KG High Precision Metal Gear Full CNC Aluminium Shell Structure High Voltage Brushless Digital Gyro Narrow Band Servo - 0v) 0. 5×20. 4v) 25. 4v) 0. 47 oz/in) dimensions 40. 152sec/60¡ã operating speed (8. 5x36mm/1. 31kg-cm (351. Cm (281. 22oz/in) stall torque (8. 47oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. Dead band 1¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz motor brushless motor operating speed (6. 59×0. 43in) bearing 2bb. 0v) 20. 123sec/60¡ã stall torque (6. 80×1. 1g (2. 25 kg. 43in weight 70.


Superior Hobby JX BLS-HV6115MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Brushless Digital Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX BLS-HV6115MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Brushless Digital Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX BLS-HV6115MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Brushless Digital Standard Servo - 4v) 0. 47oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. 31oz/in) stall torque (8. Dead band 1¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz motor brushless motor operating speed (6. 0v) 0. 18kg. 112sec/60¡ã operating speed (8. 0v) 13. 56 kg. 5×20. 4v) 17. 43in weight 70. 095sec/60¡ã stall torque (6. 5x36mm/1. Cm (188. 59×0. 43in) bearing 2bb. Cm (238. 58oz/in) dimensions 40. 1g (2. 80×1.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-4806HB 6KG Plastic Gear Digital Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4806HB 6KG Plastic Gear Digital Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4806HB 6KG Plastic Gear Digital Standard Servo - 08in). 5kg-cm (35. 0g (0. 8oz/in) stall torque (6v) 2. 2×12. Cm (30. 8v) 0. 10 sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 0oz/in) dimensions 23. 8mm/0. 0x24. 92×0. 8v) 2. 12sec/60¡ã operating speed (6v) 0. 35oz) connector wire length jr 180 mm (7. 2kg. Operating speed (4. 48×0. 98in weight 10.


Superior Hobby JX PS-4503HB 3KG Plastic Gear Analog Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PS-4503HB 3KG Plastic Gear Analog Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PS-4503HB 3KG Plastic Gear Analog Standard Servo - 074oz). 5mm/0. 09sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 3×8. 2×17. 8v) 0. 2 oz/in) dimensions 16. 8v) 0. 1 g (0. Cm (3. 32×0. 8~6. 0 v operating speed (4. 69in weight 2. 64×0. Operating voltage dc4. 23kg.


Superior Hobby ZTW ESC Gecko 120A OPTO HV

Superior Hobby ZTW ESC Gecko 120A OPTO HV

Superior Hobby ZTW ESC Gecko 120A OPTO HV - Superior hobby ztw esc gecko 120a opto hv. Long-life potentiometer middle cnc aluminium case -high quality brushless motor. Dual ball bearing -waterproof. Suit for 50-150cc gas engine, 1/5 car.


Superior Hobby ZTW ESC Gecko 85A SBEC 8A

Superior Hobby ZTW ESC Gecko 85A SBEC 8A

Superior Hobby ZTW ESC Gecko 85A SBEC 8A - Long-life potentiometer middle cnc aluminium case -high quality brushless motor. Dual ball bearing -waterproof. Superior hobby ztw esc gecko 120a opto hv. Superior hobby ztw esc gecko 85a sbec 8a.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-7222MG 22KG High Precision Metal Gear Full CNC Aluminium Shell Structure Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-7222MG 22KG High Precision Metal Gear Full CNC Aluminium Shell Structure Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-7222MG 22KG High Precision Metal Gear Full CNC Aluminium Shell Structure Digital Coreless Standard Servo - 4v) 6. 4v motor coreless motor operating temperature range -10 to + 60¡ãc operating speed (6v) 0. 85kg. 96/in) stall torque (8. 58oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. 59 x0. 08sec/60¡ã operating speed (8. 43in) bearing 2bb. Dead band 1¦Ìs control system +pulse width control working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz operating voltage dc6~8. 83 kg. 80×1. 5×20. 4v) 0. 5x31mm /1. Cm (80. 06sec/60¡ã stall torque (6v) 5. Cm (94. 22 in weight 45 g (1. 88oz/in) potentiometer drive direct drive dimensions 40.


Superior Hobby JX PS-5515MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear Analog Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PS-5515MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear Analog Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PS-5515MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear Analog Standard Servo - 8v) 0. 20sec/60¡ã operating speed (6v) 0. 2x38mm/1. 40 oz/in) dimensions 40. 06 kg-cm (181. 8v) 11. 96oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. 43in) bearing 2bb. Cm (163. Dead band 7¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz operating speed (4. 18 sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 75kg. 80×1. 5×20. 6 g (1. 59×0. 21oz/in) stall torque (6v) 13. 49 in weight 55.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-2205MG servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-2205MG servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-2205MG servo - 0 v operating speed (4. 56 kg. 18 x0. Dead band 3¦Ìs operating voltage dc4. 18 in weight 22. 8v) 4. 79oz) connector wire length jr 185 mm (7. 8v) 0. 39×1. 64 oz/in) stall torque (6v) 5. Cm (77. 51 kg. 28in) bearing 2bb. 8~6. 13 sec/60 degrees stall torque (4. 5 g (0. Cm (62. 23oz/in) dimensions 30x10x30 mm /1. 11sec/60 degrees operating speed (6v) 0.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5915MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5915MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5915MG 15KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo - Cm (177. 43in) bearing 2bb. 6 kg-cm (205. 18sec/60¡ã operating speed (7. 18oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. 4v) 0. 4v) 14. 8kg. 16 sec/60¡ã stall torque (6v) 12. 59×0. 7oz/in) stall torque (7. 5×20. 49in weight 62g (2. 2x38mm/1. 53oz/in) dimensions 40. 80×1. Dead band 2¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz motor high quality core motor operating speed (6v) 0.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-4605MG 6KG High Precision Metal Gear CNC Aluminium Middle Shell Digital Coreless Short Body Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4605MG 6KG High Precision Metal Gear CNC Aluminium Middle Shell Digital Coreless Short Body Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4605MG 6KG High Precision Metal Gear CNC Aluminium Middle Shell Digital Coreless Short Body Servo - 80×1. 14sec/60¡ã operating speed (6v) 0. 03oz/in) potentiometer drive direct drive dimensions 40. 42oz/in) stall torque (6v) 12. 59 x0. 22 in weight 46 g (1. 12sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. Cm (168. Dead band 1¦Ìs control system +pulse width control working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz operating voltage dc4. 43in) bearing 2bb. Cm (134. 8~6 motor coreless motor operating temperature range -10 to + 60¡ãc operating speed (4. 5x31mm /1. 62oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. 5×20. 1kg. 8v) 9. 68kg. 8v) 0.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5921MG 20KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5921MG 20KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5921MG 20KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo - Dead band 2¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz motor high quality core motor operating speed (6v) 0. 16 sec/60¡ã stall torque (6v) 12. 43in) bearing 2bb. 18oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. 8kg. 49in weight 62g (2. 2x38mm/1. 7oz/in) stall torque (7. 4v) 14. 59×0. 6 kg-cm (205. 80×1. 53oz/in) dimensions 40. 5×20. 18sec/60¡ã operating speed (7. 4v) 0. Cm (177.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-4607MG High Precision Metal Gear CNC Aluminium Middle Shell Digital Coreless Short Body Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4607MG High Precision Metal Gear CNC Aluminium Middle Shell Digital Coreless Short Body Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4607MG High Precision Metal Gear CNC Aluminium Middle Shell Digital Coreless Short Body Servo - 15oz) connector wire length jr 265 mm (10. 103sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 59×0. Cm (160. 43in) bearing 2bb. 8v) 11. 83kg. Cm (192. 05oz/in) dimensions40. 11oz/in) stall torque (6v) 13. 53 kg. Dead band 1¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz motor coreless motor operating speed (4. 5×20. 80×1. 125sec/60¡ã operating speed (6v) 0. 5×36. 5mm /1. 43in weight 61 g (2. 8v) 0.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-4503HB 3KG Plastic Gear Digital Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4503HB 3KG Plastic Gear Digital Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-4503HB 3KG Plastic Gear Digital Standard Servo - 8v) 0. 25 oz/in) dimensions 22. 07 sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 2×29. 7×12. 15 in weight 9. 8v) 1. 48×1. 89 kg-cm (26. 99 oz/in) stall torque (6v) 1. 89 x0. 08in). Cm (22. 65kg. 09sec/60¡ã operating speed (6v) 0. 45 g (0. 2mm /0. Operating speed (4. 333oz) connector wire length jr 180 mm (7.


Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5911MG 11KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5911MG 11KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-HV5911MG 11KG High Precision Metal Gear High Voltage Digital Coreless Standard Servo - Dead band 1¦Ìs control system +pulse width control working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 330hz operating voltage dc6~8. 4v) 11. 82kg. 4v) 0. 59 x0. 14oz/in) potentiometer drive direct drive dimensions 40. 07sec/60¡ã stall torque (6v) 9. 8mm /1. 4v motor coreless motor operating temperature range -10 to + 60¡ãc operating speed (6v) 0. 67oz) connector wire length jr 220 mm bearing 2bb. 9oz/in) stall torque (8. 09sec/60¡ã operating speed (8. Cm (118. 80×1. 5×20. Cm (164. 4kg. 05 in weight52 g (1. 5x 26.


Superior Hobby JX DHV56MG servo

Superior Hobby JX DHV56MG servo

Superior Hobby JX DHV56MG servo - 5 v operating speed (4. 1 g (0. 32×0. 64×0. Cm (3. 09sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 8v) 0. 074oz) connector wire length jr 100 mm (3. 8v) 0. 24kg. 2×17. 3×8. 3 oz/in) dimensions 16. 69in weight 2. 5~5. 5mm/0. Dead band 1¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 300hz motorcoreless motor operating voltage dc3. 94in).


Superior Hobby JX PDI-1102HB 21g Plastic Gear Digital Coreless Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-1102HB 2.1g Plastic Gear Digital Coreless Servo

Superior Hobby JX PDI-1102HB 2.1g Plastic Gear Digital Coreless Servo - 32×0. 94in). 1 g (0. 074oz) connector wire length jr 100 mm (3. 3 oz/in) dimensions 16. 2×17. 24kg. 8v) 0. 69in weight 2. 09sec/60¡ã stall torque (4. 5 v operating speed (4. Dead band 1¦Ìs working frequence 1520¦Ìs / 300hz motorcoreless motor operating voltage dc3. 5~5. 5mm/0. Cm (3. 3×8. 8v) 0. 64×0.